Zort Trainer Fling more than +7 options. Zort trainer is fully compatible with Steam, Epic, and Xbox launchers. Game developed by Londer Software, published by Londer Software.
Zort is an action, adventure, and horror game that can be played with up to 4 people. Explore maps with your friends and have fun while escaping from various creatures. Experience a realistic horror experience with in-game voice chat with your friends! Game category: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early Access
Trainer Features
F10 Infinite Health
F5 Unlimited Ammo
CTRL + 4 Stealth Mode
CTRL + 5 One-Hit Kill
Num 4 Super Speed
F5 Silent Movement
F9 No Reload
Num 5 Instant Kill
Num 3 God Mode
F10 Unlimited Resources