Sensei! I Like You So Much! Trainer Fling more than +4 options. Sensei! I Like You So Much! trainer is fully compatible with Steam, Epic, and Xbox launchers. Game developed by LaoO Studio, published by LaoO Studio, Erabit.
Sensei! I like you so much! is a fandom business simulation game. You will play as a fanfic author, create fanfic of all genres, release your fanzine, join comicons, gather followers, and become a legend. In the meantime, buy goods of your pairing, build itabags, and decorate your room. Game category: Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Trainer Features
ALT + 4 Infinite Money
F7 Instant Fanfic Creation
F8 Unlock All Genres
CTRL + 2 Maximize Fanzine Sales
ALT + 2 Gain Double Followers
F2 Unlimited Pairing Goods
F10 Instant Itabag Building
ALT + 4 Room Decoration Mastery
Num 1 Auto-Attend Comicons
F3 Boosted Legend Status