Glorious Companions Trainer Fling more than +4 options. Glorious Companions trainer is fully compatible with Steam, Epic, and Xbox launchers. Game developed by Ancient Forge, published by Ancient Forge.
Explore the open world of Terscara as you advance through the challenging and tactical encounters in this epic turn-based tactical RPG. Form and lead a group of battle-proven companions, delve into the ancient dungeons to collect the elusive vault crystals, and end Xandar’s Wraith once and for all. Game category: RPG, Strategy
Trainer Features
ALT + 5 Infinite Health
F7 Unlimited Skill Points
ALT + 5 One-Hit Kill
Num 2 Stealth Mode
ALT + 1 Instant Level Up
F6 Max Resources
F2 Disable Enemy Attacks
Num 2 Teleportation
ALT + 2 Unlock All Abilities
CTRL + 5 Super Speed