Cradle of Nightmare : Flowers to you Trainer Fling more than +7 options. Cradle of Nightmare : Flowers to you trainer is fully compatible with Steam, Epic, and Xbox launchers. Game developed by 红锈雨, published by 红锈雨.
Cradle of Nightmares: Flowers for You is an ATB turn-based game based on combat adventures made by RPGMaker. Players will take on the role of a high school student named Le Qing, who will fall into the dark and gloomy “second world” and embark on a journey to end the filthy fate of mankind. Game category: Adventure, RPG
Trainer Features
Num 5 Infinite Health
ALT + 1 Unlimited Mana
ALT + 5 One-Hit Kills
CTRL + 2 Instant Level Up
CTRL + 4 Max Skill Points
F1 Unlimited Gold
Num 2 Stealth Mode
F10 Fast Travel
ALT + 2 Unlock All Abilities
ALT + 5 Disable Enemy Attacks